
Some august tunes

I just finished making a new music compilation to give to my friends …..because I drive so much in California I like having great music in the car to play at ear – splitting volume, and that is when I allow myself to sing without people begging me to stop.

there are some of the tunes I think you would like

From Mount Kimbie a great electronic track  Made To Stray click here

From James Blake his new very beautiful and haunting Retrograde  click here

Andrew Bayer  with Lose Sight , also mellow and quite different arrangements  click here

and some oldies but amazing ones :

Average White Band  If I Ever Lose This heaven. I can sing that chorus over and over 100 times in a row…i sing it very loud in the car..try it , it is a great way to start the day or when you are caught in traffic click here   

and last but never least, from the one and only Stevie Wonder , his iconic song As , click here

enjoy !

i also gave you some great July tunes here



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J’adore Carlyne