
Health & Beauty

Posing for Ethan James Green’s Bomshell

Eugenia Melian by Ethan James Green for BombshellTo read the post click

Posing for Ethan James Green’s Bombshell

For one day, on an empty stormy beach, I became a bombshell.Eugenia Melian courtesy of Ethan James Green. ...

The love of all things heirloom

When in Northern California I love to go to a unique shop in the town of Petaluma called The Petaluma Seed Bank. It's ...

The fairness and civility of allotments

As I grow more aware about the quality and (limited) quantity of the fresh produce available to me I realice that very ...

The advanced 7-minute workout

Christmas is over and you probably ate too much and sat on your ass all day having bad thoughts about your in-laws , so ...

Undone glamour : imperfect makeup

I am into a natural look when it comes to wearing make up , even though in the evening I do like a groomed and slick ...

A Life Of Beauty Defined By Joan Juliet Buck

"You hold up your legs in the bath. They’re still nice. You look at the pretty pink nail varnish on your toes, and ...

Coconut oil pulling for better health

Get a teaspoon or 2 of coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for 20 mins. Intrigued ?   Dang ! yes !....it is ...

If you love quinoa

Quinoa is  high in protein as well as calcium,magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Quinoa lacks gluten and has a high ...

the invisible woman : the quiet power dressing 2014 / 2015

"How can I look my best? Do I want to be visible or not too much visible?  You are not visible with Phoebe's clothes. ...

In my suitcase : California to Europe

Last week I was waiting for a relative at the San Francisco International airport and a plane for The Philippines had ...

workout clothes and the athleisure trend

Workout clothing got so edgy and sexy that you really want to go to the gym and kill yourself doing 2 hours of weights ...