

To celebrate 2014 and the year of the horse here is 24 hours of happy music by Pharrell Williams , the first ever 24-hour long music video with a great track and hundreds of happy ecstatic people of all ages  , shapes and forms  dancing in the streets of LA…..from sunrise to dawn.

You MUST watch parts of the 24-hour long one here . I don’t know, do push ups, sit ups, take a bath , cook , whatever , but it is great music to jump around in your pajamas and try to dance to…..you can fast forward, rewind, etc  to the people that you like best ( I like the normal-looking ones that go crazy and spazz out )

It will make you happy and put a smile of your faces.

and if your wifi is crap and the long version takes too long to download ( 30 seconds max )  right below is the 4 minute version which came out this summer as part of the soundtrack to the film Despicable Me #2 , just so you get a taste . Put it on full screen…..but don’t forget to also take a peek at the long version.

enjoy!  oh and below below, under the mosaic ,  is also Tacky…the spoof by the fabulous “Weird Al ” Yankovic .






7 responses to “HAPPY”

  1. Carmen says:

    Ginia q alegría para empezar el día! Fantástico! A bailar ya!!!!

  2. Isabel Mignoni says:

    Ginia…. Qué maravilla!! Pharrel Williams es un crack total y la idea de 24 hours music es una alegria. Will follow your advise, I will cook,I will do push ups, I will clean my house…. all with Pharrel, to make it enjoyable and fun. Gracias por compartir!

    • fashionsphinx says:

      Yes !!!!! share the love and send it around ! make more people happy….It is go great , I have watched it 5 times a day for 3 days now xxxxxxx

  3. maggie says:

    YES !

  4. Victoria says:

    How cool

    • fashionsphinx says:

      Hey Victoria and Maggie ………I loves it too ! the guys who shot the 24 hour video are french, they are called We Are LA……….must have been quite a shoot .