
Dahlia days in Northern California

As soon as I hit my boyfriend’s garden in northern California i go crazy photographing the dahlias.

I used to photograph food….did that when I got my first little camera at age 12. Everyone laughed at me…DUH !      that was a few decades ago and now  you can’t get served anywhere until everyone has photographed their plate , tweeted, posted it on FB and on and on : so annoying  and terribly boring……. ( don’t get me started on the subject of foodies… )

So i photograph flowers instead.

In this post I will photograph my flowers as they bloom this summer ….just for the simple pleasure of it.

I just cannot stop…….every morning at 7 am I rush to my pots to see which flower burst open….then at the end of their bloom I cut them to make place for more.

I think that having great vases is just as important as beautiful blooms so usually go to the Oakland  flea market to look for cheap and soulful ceramic vases .  California has a tradition for beautiful craftsmanship when it comes to pottery…from the turn of the century onwards , and the tradition never dies . I have now quite a big assortment , from  30’s Bauer to the modern  sensual ones from Judy Jackson Stoneware , and I am still looking.







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7 responses to “Dahlia days in Northern California”

  1. MARIA JOSE GM says:


  2. Dalma says:

    Love dahlias, especially photographed by you…<3

    • fashionsphinx says:

      Thank you so much ! i still have to learn how to take pictures….and read the 160 page instruction guide for my camera which i bought 5 years ago

  3. espectaculares las dahlias, que arte tienes!!!!

  4. Macarena says:

    Me gustan muchisimo las Dalias!! he plantado un montón en Sotogrande, ansiosa de que salgan.
    Que bueno el blog!! que bien que te hayas animado y que suerte nosotras que lo podemos ver.

    • fashionsphinx says:

      muchas gracias !!!!! maniana subo mis direcciones para comprar dalias…en el mismo post…el secreto es cortar las flores o quitar la muertas para que salgan mas xxxxxx

  5. Teresa says:

    que divertido tu blog ! me encanta……..gracias !


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