
Heirloom tomatoes & gazpacho time.

Come summer my farmer’s market in the East Bay Area of San Francisco is filled with every kind of heirloom tomatoes and tiny cherry tomatoes.

Heirloom tomatoes or heritage tomatoes definitely taste better than the “modern” ones. Some varieties are so big that with one single tomato I can make gazpacho for two .

I cannot get enough of them , even grating them , like with pan con tomate , over a slab of toasted whole wheat bread  and then sprinkled with Maldon salt , olive oil and a huge amount of big basil leaves from my pots.

To make an easy gazpacho for two people just peel one or two big tomatoes  with a tomato peeler or blanch them quickly to remove the skin, then in a blender combine them with half or a whole white onion depending on its size, a peeled cucumber , a garlic clove, and a  green pepper .

Add some olive oil , salt and sherry or red wine vinegar to taste and refrigerate,. You do not need to add water if the tomatoes are juicy.

Enjoy !














and these pictures i took in the Bolonia market, Italy.



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