
Inspiration & music

Accidentism, Alternative Modernism and Swedish Modern by Josef Frank

A rainforest of lush, strong, vibrant colors, creeping twisted vines and branches from which hang huge strange fruits; ...

The electric muses who changed our world

"They feared not death, but to die of boredom."  I have always been fascinated by muses and their relationship to ...

Mola Sasa makes fair trade luxury bags.

I love fashion but I am aware and careful of how and why I consume it. Avoiding fast fashion and focusing on ...

Architectural Pottery and Californian planters

Living in California has made me revisit gardening, landscaping and interior design. The severe drought of the last 5 ...

No Boundaries from the Australian desert painters.

I recently saw an extraordinary show at the Perez  Art Museum in Miami ( PAMM) :  No Boundaries: Aboriginal ...

Navajo rugs

The more I travel and I see the effects of globalization, the more I am moved by strong manifestations of cultural ...

The American story of the musical Hamilton

Hamilton “is a story about America then, told by America now.” Lin-Manuel Miranda.I had to wait for five months ...

Songs for Paris 13/11

Sometimes the only way I can communicate with the world is through music.Music is my love. When I am feeling blue ...

Inviting chaos into Versailles. Anish Kapoor 2015

“Placing objects here and there means nothing. My idea was to upset the balance and invite chaos in.” Anish Kapoor. ...

A supermodel’s Modoll: into the future

"This is a real doll, you can use it, dress it, comb her hair, or even photograph it or animate it... you give it life ...

Rick Owen’s women carry other women

This Spring Summer 2016 season in Paris I look at the celebrity media circus around certain designers and their ...

Sybilla’s new clothes

This past spring I announced in this space the return of our beloved fashion designer Sybilla.Poetry, humor, ...